Quick Details
$ 300
Additional Surfer
Price Per Person
$ 200
Additional Non-Surfer
Price Per Person
$ 100
Enjoy a Surf Safari in Kauai
Hanalei Bay is a large bay with many break choices with sandy bar breaks all along the shorelines and reef breaks outside both sides of the bay. This experience gives you a good lay of the land to feel comfortable on your own other times. Your Surf Safari normally starts at 8am and ends with lunch. This is a private or semi-private (with guests of your choice) activity surfing 3+ hours including lunch with your guide. For beginners to advance surfers. Secret spots and local tips!
First person $300.00, additional persons $200.00 each (additional non-surfer $100.00 each) for a 3-5 hour day of surfing the best spot at the time on the Island. We do request a 4 person maximum.
This is a great way to check out the different surf spots. Check out the conditions and not get into any unwelcome situations. Our guides rule. You will have a fun time and will be welcomed by the locals.
Additional Info:
- Guides will provide ice water and fresh island fruits.
- Whether you are a long boarder or a short boarder, we have a guide for you.
- Let us know your age group and your level of ability and your styles. Then we can choose the best guide for you.
- We have pro surf guides, when they are available.